

AVATARA offers trainings to activate and empower beings to awaken in body, soul, and spirit to find their place in the global initiation. 

AVATARA grew out of Shamballa School, which was founded by Bruce Lyon in 2001, then passed on to Jon Eden Khan in 2011, who expanded it into AVATARA in 2021.

We have our roots in the Trans-Himalayan teachings that have come through Helena Blavatsky and the Theosophical movement, Alice A. Bailey, Helena Roerich, Lucille Cedercrans, and more recently Bruce Lyon. And we integrate teachings and practices from multiple other spiritual pathways and traditions, East and West, ancient and modern.

Our perception is that we live in an extraordinary time. 

Wars are raging. Innocents are dying. Humanity’s heart is breaking. Each new month is being recorded as the hottest since records began. Political polarisation has brought our societies to a tipping point. Authoritarian regimes are spreading. Our economies are reeling from the pandemic and wars. Multiple streams of major existential risk are cascading. The foundations of our civilisation are shaking, with cracks widening.

And simultaneously, through those cracks glimmers of a new light are starting to shine.

Hundreds of millions of beings around the world are in a process of transformation, awakening, and embodiment. Many are learning to stand as pillars of a new civilisation. Some are starting to build new systems sourced in the One Life we all hare in rather than its schism and separation. 

We perceive that at the innermost core of this process, a seed is landing for an entirely new phase of our evolution as a species.

One where humanity starts to awaken as an expression of the one universal life force. The same life force that spins galaxies, that burns in suns, and that coalesced into the density of Earth where where an incredible journey of life could occur.  

And that this awakening will have us realise we are here for a cosmic destiny we haven’t even begun to imagine, but that every step of our painful and beautiful journey up until now has been just a preparation for. 

AVATARA provides transformational trainings to support more and more beings to find their place in the global initiation, enter this awakening, and contribute to the civilisational shift currently unfolding.