

AVATARA retreats are for those called to plug their spiritual path into the big picture – of humanity’s awakening, Earth’s awakening, and cosmic awakening – so they can find their right place to show up in the process in this extraordinary time.

Our retreats offer unique transformational education and training that is dedicated to full spectrum awakening, evolution, and embodiment.

That extends from land journeys, bodywork, and neo-tantra, to trauma healing, soul work, purpose work, ceremony and ritual, group soul intimacy, incredible esoteric teachings and cosmology, the esoteric psychology of the seven rays, as well as practices that open us to the divine dark at the core of our being, and radical awakening as the one reality at the heart of all creation.

If you sense in your heart and cells that your spiritual path is no longer just about you, but that it is one node of a collective awakening rising out of the ashes of a crumbling civilisation, consider joining one of our retreats. And let’s plant the seeds of that new civilisation together.



AVATARA Level 1: Awakening in the Global Initiation

July 12th-17th 2024 - Chesapeake Temple, Maryland, USA

Retreat details here.

Apply to join this retreat here.



AVATARA Level 1: Awakening in the Global Initiation

September 18th-22nd 2024 - Nikkila Temple, Orivesi, Finland

Retreat details here.

Apply to join here.



AVATARA Level 2 Retreat: Crux Ecstasis

December 11th-15th 2024 - Landhaus Gottsdorf, just outside Berlin, Germany

Retreat details here.

Apply to join here.



AVATARA Level 1: Awakening in the Global Initiation

March 22nd-26th 2025 - Sicily, Italy

Retreat details here.

Apply to join here.