

At the core of AVATARA is a transmission of life, and an invitation to trust and surrender to the sacred current of will in our core so as to be brought truly alive and find our right place to live, love, and serve in this time of planetary crisis and initiation.

Between 2001-2022 this aspect of the work was the focus of Shamballa School, which was led by Bruce Lyon from 2001-2011 and by Jon Eden Khan between 2011-2022. Shamballa School was then expanded into AVATARA, and the Shamballa School website still holds a lot of resources for this aspect of the work. You can access this website on the button below.


We understand that part of the significance of the crisis humanity currently faces is about more and more of humanity breaking out of the disconnected, life-draining ways we have been living, and the emergence of a fundamentally new culture that is plugged into what is truly life-giving and in service of the thriving of our world.

Activating this transmission of life in more and more beings forms a central part of our work in AVATARA.